Sir・Match 3 puzzle & adventure
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Looking for a variety of colorful matching boards? Sir Match-a-Lot needs your help matching in a TON of different kingdoms and locations! Follow your hero along jam-packed maps, collect special fireflies that will help you along the way, and be sure to grab as many coins and valuable keys as you can. Resources are SUPER handy in this adventure!
Match and earn keys that will help you unlock an array of ARENAS! Use your match 3 skills to make powerful moves that will stun villainous competitors. There are rewards to be earned!
Looking for better powers to equip your knight with? Earn a variety of outfits to suit him up in! Each outfit sets your knight up with different abilities and power points to take on all kinds of matching obstacles.
Open valuable treasure chests and get STICKERS to collect! Fill up your sticker book and log your matching memories!
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