My Stocks Portfolio & Market
Değerlendirme: 0.00 (Oylar:
- Manage your stock portfolios and view performance over time, with metrics such as realized gains, unrealized gains, daily and total changes, and annualized gains
- View allocation balance of each stock holding in your overall portfolio with pie charts
- Multiple stocks portfolios support - track multiple stock markets, stock portfolios, or watchlists
- Convert stock portfolios to one currency using real-time foreign exchange rates - mix stock quotes and holdings from different stock markets and display it using a currency of your choice
- Stock market news feed and news for each stock quote. Customize which international markets to retrieve news for.
- Real-time stock quotes for US exchanges and some international stock markets
- Foreign exchange rates and currency converter
- Track the Cryptocurrency market. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and alt coins such as Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, and more.
- Extended hours support for pre-market and after-market hours
- Stocks widget that displays stock quotes and holdings
- Full screen charts. Line, Area, Candlestick, Logarithmic and more. Pinch-zoom, trackball, and panning support.
- Detailed info on each stock quote including daily/yearly price ranges, market cap, P/E, EPS, Volume, Average Volume, Beta, Dividend & Yield.
- Password lock support - prevent others from seeing your stock quotes even if your phone is unlocked
- Synchronize across multiple devices
- CSV import and export to Google Drive and Email
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